In December 1773, men dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor. Ten years later, the movement this act helped to spark led to the creation of the first nation on earth based on the Consent of the Governed, instead of the Divine Right Of Kings. The story of this act by these brave men, and other acts that followed shows that a symbolic act can send ripples through community that can influence the world in ways and places far beyond the time and place where it occurred.
There are people on twitter posting images of blue balloons on our days of action. They call this a Virtual Balloon release. I think that activity on the internet can be a useful adjunct to our campaign, but I want to stress that it cannot replace our campaign. The point of creating Blue Balloon was to create an activism opportunity that can be performed by anyone, even those who are homebound due to un- or under-treated pain, because getting to places like government buildings to engage in protest is difficult for so many pain patients, leading to our being more or less invisible in the conversation about opiates and the failed policies of drug prohibition. Of course there will be people who are first introduced to Blue Balloon via the Virtual Balloon Releases, and just by the campaign having a twitter presence. But internet activity is no replacement for actual, physical, real world actions. Posting images on the internet isn't preceded by nervousness or stage fright, and aren't followed by a feeling of accomplishment or by the beauty of watching blue balloons rise and spread across the sky. Doing a real, physical act that can be seen by others not only takes commitment, but increases the feeling of being committed to a cause. There's a real feeling of accomplishment and of connection with all the other people who are sending their blue balloons into the sky.
Thanks to all who are participating and spreading the word. I am touched so many people are willing to take the leap of faith with me and share in this effort to change a vast, ongoing and cruel injustice inflicted on so many innocent, law-abiding Americans.
PS I hope I get a photo of blue balloons rising into a clear sky for a change...