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"Where's Occam When You Need Him?" 2019 Opioid Summit

Region 10 Opioid Summit, August 9, 2019, Vancouver, WA This conference had over 2 dozen speakers, most of whose talks were very...

Day of Action coming this Wed, 7/17

balloon bits sticking to each other, after being inflated for several weeks, then popped, and sitting in yard, exposed to weather, 5 weeks.

Balloon observation

So I had a balloon in the living room I inflated on 6/19 that didn't make it into my bag of balloons to release. Today, after being...

2nd Day of Action/1st Virtual Balloon Release

Went great! We have had a big upswing in contacts and signed up more than a dozen new participants on the 19th alone. Plus our twitter...

Action Day this Wed - Balloon experiment update

Hi All - this coming Wed, June 19th, is our next Day of Action. I'd love to post photos any photos you want to send her on the blog....

Blue Balloon Campaign Balloon Body Farm

So I put some balloons into 4 different conditions in the yard - one in the compost bin (already covered with food scraps), one in a...

Blue Balloon now on twitter, environmental concerns

Hi All! We're coming up for our second national Day Of Action, Wed. June 19th. I'm looking forward to it - hoping we get good weather....

5/22 Don't Punish Pain Rally

I attended the DPP Rally on Wednesday, May 22, at Salem, Oregon. It was a well-organized event, including a sound system, which made the...

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