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Today is 2nd Day of Action, 1st Day Virtual Balloon releases on Twitter


Hi All, Blue Balloon is taking off! We have been gathering followers on twitter every day ( up 60% since Monday night! People on twitter are also creating images/slogans to post all day as a Virtual Balloon release, hashtag, #blueballooncampaign. We have new participants every day through this website as well. I wish to thank everyone what ever method they contact us - I am deeply moved that so many people are willing to pitch in.

Looking forward to seeing photos, videos and images!

Latest Balloon Body Farm News - I check the balloons daily, and no animals - wild or domestic - have shown any interest in the balloons. I've had a couple of inflatable kiddy pools in this yard that raccoons and possums have destroyed by biting the inflatable rings. But not one of the deflated & torn balloons on the ground have been nibbled at all.



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